Guide Book
Mastering game advertising: The complete guide for game growth

During the pandemic, games experienced rapid growth. However, in the post-pandemic era, challenges such as macroeconomic shifts and the emergence of diverse platforms have intensified competition. This guide emphasizes “advertisements” as a crucial strategy for growth in such a competitive landscape.

Creating an engaging game is only half the battle, effectively marketing it is equally essential. The most important thing is to be able to quickly modify your marketing approach based on your users' reactions, and to do what you can in advance, such as setting data collection before your game launches.

Check out this guide to grasp all the ad tactics you need to boost your game. Learn about in-game ads, the publicity required to propel your game to success, and how to measure the effectiveness of your ads. This guide is packed with insights to help you stay one step ahead in the competitive gaming world.

What's inside:

  • How the post-pandemic gaming industry is changing 
  • How to utilize in-game ads
  • Marketing strategies to promote your game
  • Leveraging data for thriving growth

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